Tap into the Power of Good Nutrition!
Did you know that a nutritional program can dramatically improve the
outcome of your cleansing therapy?
Think back to a time when your body was agile and fluid… You could depend on it. Being in your own skin felt good. Nothing that life threw your way could ever slow you down. You were prepared for anything.
Fast forward to the present… What’s changed?
Depletion has set in and you often wonder if this is your new normal. Know that it is never too late to turn things around. In fact, not only is it possible to reclaim the vitality and vibrancy that you once felt but it is also possible to feel even better than you did in the past.
Count on Mike to make you look as good as you’ll feel. Motivating and educating, these sessions teach you all about you and your unique nutritional needs.
The foundation program analyzes your current eating plan and the symptoms that have accompanied it. Topics such as nutrient timing, macronutrient skew and supplements addressing your Biosignature of fat storage are covered.
The follow up is a planned evaluation and possible redirection as each tier of success is achieved- from pounds/ inches lost to hormonal/ neurotransmitter health issues are successfully dealt with.
To get the most out of your one hour session you may download and bring with you the food and supplement log completed with 3 days worth of activity leading up to your appointment.
Diet plays an integral role in the cleansing process. To achieve the best results during your therapy, you have to eat well. Certain foods will help to dramatically improve your outcome during your cleansing sessions. Speak with us today to learn more about how to use nutrition to your advantage.